A huge "Thank You" to all of our supporters! This group includes all volunteers of time who sorted tens of thousands of seeds, donors who made the program possible, patrons who participated by taking seeds, and to all who have helped to spread the word about our program!
Donors, (in no particular order):
- Baker's Creek Seeds - http://www.rareseeds.com/
- High Mowing Organic Seeds - http://www.highmowingseeds.com/
- Annie's Heirloom Seeds - http://www.anniesheirloomseeds.com/
- Tomato Bob (HILLIARD, OHIO!)- http://www.tomatobob.com/
- Thomas Jefferson's Monticello - http://www.monticelloshop.org/farm-garden.html?gclid=CML18uCB9LwCFeZAMgodYxsAEw
- Seeds of Change: http://www.seedsofchange.com/
- Petitti Organic Garden Center (LOUISVILLE, OHIO!) - https://www.facebook.com/AnthonyPetittiGardenCenter
- Holmes Seed (CANTON, OHIO!) - http://www.holmesseed.com/
- Stark County Master Gardeners
- Dottie Hockenberry, Community Gardener
- Phil Shultz, Urban Farmer
All of our Anonymous Donors who dropped off packages of seed to the library!