Join the Stark Community Garden Network today! - Like us on Facebook!
Helpful Links to Growing food in your community:
Stark County Master Gardener Volunteers
Free Information Line: Call 234-348-6001 or email
Check out the GardenStark blog site -Your one-stop shop for all things food gardening in Stark County! April is the national gardening month and there's no better time to learn more about planting a garden and preserving your harvest. OSU Extension Stark County and the Stark County Master Gardener Volunteer Program are here to help you have a successful growing season.
Check out the gardenSTARK site for educational resource materials, services, programs, and community events at:
Growing in Containers:
Growing in the Garden:
Safe Handling of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Gardening with Physical Limitations
Proper Calibration and Operation of Backpack and Hand Can Sprayers
How Much Chemical Product Do I Need to Add to My Sprayer Tank?
Gardening in Michigan information includes:
Container Gardening for Vegetables and Herbs
Caring for your soil tip sheet
How to plant vegetables Tip Sheet
Identifying Issues in your Garden