Stark County 4-H C.L.O.V.E.Reads Program

Catch Lots OVery Exciting Reading

Click here for more information about the C.L.O.V.E.R.eads program

Club Registration Form - Due March 15th

Deadline to turn in reports is June 15th (or the first business day after) by 4pm to Extension Office…remember NO FAX MACHINE!

C.L.O.V.E.R. Book Report Form (Age 9-18) - Due June 15th

Cloverbud Book Report Form (Age 5-8) - Due June 15th

The CLOVER reading program offers Stark County 4-H youth a chance to earn recognition for learning more about their project areas, improve their reading ability, experience the lifelong skill & joy of reading and help their club by performing reading-related community service. Prizes will be awarded at Extravaganza. The county’s top CLOVER point earners will receive a prize! All Stark County 4-H youth (age 5–18) are eligible to enroll in C.L.O.V.E.R.eads.

Here’s how it works:

  • The CLOVER registration form is available from the Stark County Extension Office or here. Only one form per club is required. Interested 4-H members sign up at club meetings. The form is then returned to the Extension office by the March 15, the Stark County 4-H Club membership deadline.
  • The reading program begins March 15-June 15, annually. Youth earn points by reading age/ability appropriate books, magazine articles and textbook chapters on their project area(s), and their 4-H project resource manual. They can read for personal enjoyment, any age appropriate topic, or to learn more about their project area.  Reading-related community service also earns points.
  • Youth then record what they read along with a brief synopsis on a C.L.O.V.E.R. book report form. Completed forms must be turned in to the 4-H Extension Office by June 15th annually. (Youth only need 25 points to complete the program – each book related to the youth’s project area earns 5 points.)
  • Cloverbuds do not earn points. They participate in the C.L.O.V.E.R. program by reading 5 books or having 5 books read to them. (The ability to read is not necessary for participation in the CLOVER program.) All participating Cloverbud youth will receive a C.L.O.V.E.R. award ribbon.
  • Awards for all C.L.O.V.E.R. participants completing the program will be presented at Extravaganza judging in July. The awards ceremony usually starts between 12:30 and 1:30pm.


ANNUAL POSTER CONTEST:  All youth registered in the program are also invited to enter the C.L.O.V.E.R. Poster Challenge. Posters are judged by how well the youth incorporates reading into the Stark County Jr. Fair theme. Posters must be turned in to the OSU Extension, Stark County-4-H office or Laura Miller by 5pm August 15th annually. Posters will be displayed in the 4-H C.L.O.V.E.R. Reads booth during the Stark County Fair.

C.L.O.V.E.R Poster Challenge - Due August 15th