Botanica 2016

Saturday, October 1, 2016 - 8:00am to 1:30pm
R.G. Drage Career and Technical Center, 2800 Richville Dr. SE, Massillon, Oh 44646
Contact email:
Contact name:
Heather Neikirk

Open to the Public
Cost: $25.00

Keynote Speaker: Marne Titchenell, The Good, the Bad, and the Hungry: Controlling Nuisance Wildlife in the Home Landscape

Featured Speakers: Bill Aulenback, Mums the Word
                  Ken Huth, Bonsai 101

Demonstrations: John Niebel, Soaker Hose DIY
                                    Rita Mullet, Create a Living Wreath
                               Trudy Hoover, Winter Containers

Must register by September 23, 2016. (Late Fee: $5.00)
Registrations will NOT be Accepted at the Door

You can find a link to the registration from here: